Like every high octane adrenaline activity, the potential dangers and risks are very real and as such safety is the number one priority for both staff and guests alike. The Gorge Swing in Victoria Falls is no different.
Standing on the edge of a gorge with a 400 foot drop to the thundering Zambezi River, there are no short cuts when it comes to safety. All measures put in place are internationally accredited and no short cuts are taken. The 100% safety record of the Gorge Swing activity is testament to that.
To prepare you further, here’s our top safety tips for you.
Prepare Mentally
Whilst sitting at your lodge, or checking out the Gorge Swing online, your confidence is high. Your excitement can often cloud your feelings as you go ahead and book this gorge swinging adrenaline adventure at Victoria Falls.
Our biggest tip for you is to take a step back and prepare yourself mentally for the experience.
No matter the confidence you felt when you booked, standing at the edge of the gorge, seeing the steep drop off, hearing the screams of those ahead of you and feeling the swirling wind around you will no doubt give you second thoughts.

Whilst this isn’t necessarily a big safety issue, there is nothing worse than being harness up, standing on the platform and then decide you can’t do it. Equally, once you take that step off the edge, there is nothing you can do to stop it. Being mentally prepared will allow you to fully enjoy the experience.
Dress Accordingly
What you wear for the Gorge Swing is more for your comfort and enjoyment rather than safety. Obviously, wearing any extravagant costumes or head gear will not be allowed as this could pose a risk by getting tangled in the cables or pulley system.
We recommend wearing comfortable, breezy clothing. Something that will provide a bit of cushioning against the harness, and that does not greatly restrict your movement.
It is advisable to wear closed shoes for the Gorge swing, anything loose fitting could potentially slip off during the 180km free fall you will experience. The same can be said about hats of any sort. Best leave them at the platform or risk losing them. Flip Flops can be worn, but you will be required to remove them before actually doing the swing.

Please also ensure that you pockets are empty and any loose fitting jewelry is removed. Whilst this does not really pose a safety issue, it would greatly dampen your experience if you brand new cell phone fell out your or your expensive necklace slipped off. The fast flowing Zambezi River is below you, and anything that falls in there is irretrievable.
It’s also a good idea to protect yourself from the sun. Whilst the actual swing is over in seconds, it can take several minutes to hoist you back up to the platform. Whilst you are enjoying the view, you will be exposed to the harsh African sun. So best to lather up with some sunscreen.
Disclose any Relevant Medical Conditions
During your pre Gorge Swing briefing, you will be asked to fill in a medical questionnaire. This is so that the well trained staff are equipped and prepared for any situation that may arise.
Being an intense adrenaline activity, your heart will be pumping so any heart conditions and blood pressure issues are important to disclose. Same can be said for any repertory issues such as asthma. As well as disclosing this information, ensure that you have you inhaler with you. Whilst the activity itself is not physically strenuous, it leave most people short of breath.
Panic attacks are fairly regular with this activity. It’s a daunting prospect standing on the edge of the gorge preparing to jump off. It goes against everything we humans consider safe.
Pay Attention during Safety Briefing
It’s easy to get caught up in the moment. Your harness is strapped on and the reality of what you are about to do is very much sinking in. Your mind tends to wonder and the safety talk goes in one ear and out the other.
Safety briefings are done away from the activity and the gorge so as to encourage the full attention of participants. Whilst this does help, it’s important that you as the participant play your part and focus on what is being said and demonstrated.

At the same time, feel free to ask as many questions as you like. It’s just as important that you are comfortable will all that is being said and expected of you. This is particularly important for those guests where English is not your first language. The Gorge Swing safety briefing is available on print material in most languages.
Do not tamper with or attempt to adjust your Safety Equipment
The safety of your gorge swing experience is based entirely on the safety gear that you are wearing. In particular the harness and safety clips. These will be fitted on you at the safety briefing and you will walk to the gorge swing site whilst wearing the gear.
It is very important that you do not attempt to adjust any of the straps or clips attached to you. Each harness is selected based on your body type and tightened to the point that is comfortable and safe. It’s meant to be a snug fit, and can fell a little tight when walking. This is normal and how it is meant to be.

Likewise, the walk from the safety briefing area to the gorge swing site takes you along the edge of the gorge. It has safety ropes to keep you within the path. Please do not attempt to avoid the barriers. They are there to ensure your safety and the safety of those around you.
This can also be said for barrier and safety ropes at the jumping site. Spectators have a designated area from which to watch, and will be expected to remain within the barriers.
Whilst they will not be able see your entire jump as you disappear over the edge, they will get most of the swing below. The best viewing point if from the purpose built Look Out Café, strategically placed on the edge of the gorge, and designed as the ultimate viewing place for the Gorge Swing.
Respect the Jump Master
The final safety tip we have for you is to respect the jump master. He is positioned on the platform from which you will take your leap of faith.
He will be strapped to the platform with various ropes for his safety and will do the same to you whilst he rechecks your gear. The moment you clamber onto the platform he will attached 2 safety ropes to your harness that will stop you accidentally jumping before properly attached.

He has the most important role in that he ultimately attaches you to the Gorge Swing cable that will send you on your pendulum adventure. It’s important to respect his role, and stand still whilst he straps you in. Also best not to disturb him whilst he works. Don’t want this guy being distracted.
The Jump Master, also comes under the most abuse. He is the final opportunity to back out for those that are seriously questioning their choices. Many people completely forget their manners and etiquette when standing on the edge of the 300 foot drop and he is usually in the firing line. Please respect him and his role.
Our Final Thoughts
The Gorge Swing team in Victoria Falls is incredibly experienced and well trained by international standards. They have a 100% record when it comes to safety, and this is one of the safest adrenaline activities to do in the area.
Whilst there is some risk, it is important to listen and adhere to the safety tips given here and by the gorge swing teams on the ground.
Most Importantly, Have Fun! Not many people can say that they leapt off the edge of the Batoka Gorge, The Might Victoria Falls behind them and the Thundering Zambezi River below them. You won’t regret this adrenaline packed experience.